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Om Emelie


Jag jobbar som hälsocoach där jag

hjälper kvinnor mot att få tillbaka sin hälsa och bli fri från de besvär som begränsar dem i deras vardag.

Syftet med min coaching är att du som klient ska kunna få verktygen till att bygga dig stark på insidan, både mentalt, fysiskt och själsligt och därigenom få tillbaka hälsan och livet.

Här nedan kan ni läsa mer om mig och min egen resa mot hälsan.



When I felt the worst, then I had also handed over all my power to things outside of myself. I waited for me to start feeling better, thinking that time heals all wounds.


I waited for everything around me, for everything outside of myself to change so that I myself would begin to feel better.

I thought "it gets better when ..... happens" or "it gets better when this period is over" etc.

The thing is just that everything changes all the time, life changes and if we are not steady and confident in ourselves once it starts to blow around us (which it does sometimes) then we will also feel very bad at times. More bad than we need and maybe also what we can handle. This is how it turned out for me.


Here I did not know that life would take such a turn.

My focus was to find the right diet that would get my stomach in balance.

I was able to keep the food I ate and I started to get so much energy again. I was able to cook for the family again, help with the chores at home, started going out and going for short walks and meeting friends again.



That a few years ago I took the step towards choosing myself and my health, to make one of the biggest changes for myself and my life, can be among the best and at the same time the scariest thing I have done.

The best thing I have done when I have found a home today and can help and guide other women towards living the life they themselves want and want to live, to work as a Health Coach.

The scariest thing I have done when change is uncertain, and uncertainty is scary. Where do I end up?


Today I am drawn more to what is scary and a little uncomfortable, there is usually something there that leads to something bigger. To change and go against what you want and desire in life, then you need to do things that are different, scary and that sometimes take over.


Today I work with coaching others to find their way back to their inner strength. This is where health begins. For many years I myself have taken so many detours and looked in the wrong places, searching for the answers outside myself, when everything was very close.

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